• 'Interested organizations could submit their training programs to be run in collaboration with HSSC on the given google form. Click Here

Community services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS & HISC), Australia

HSSC and Australia Industry Sector Skill Council signed a MoU in July’ 14 to explore the possibility of benchmarking standards for mutually identified job roles between Australia and India. A project work plan was developed to map the Indian HSSC QP to Australian Qualification.

Community services and Health Industry Skills Council (CS & HISC) qualification CHC33015 Certificate III in individual support is taken up for mapping with HSSC QP SS/Q 5102 Home Health Aide. The mapping is completed and gap areas are identified. A joint report would be shared with Australia India Working Group.

British Association of physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) and gloal Association of physicians of indian origin (GAPIO)

HSSC signed MoU with British Association of physicians with Indian Origin (BAPIO) and Global Association of physicians of Indian origin (GAPIO) in January, 2016 to introduce skill based trainings for allied health professionals/ trainees by way of skill development, enhancement or recognition in India and overseas through members of GAPIO and BAPIO.

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